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home made recipes for softening hair

الاثنين، 9 يونيو 2014

Hair straightness or softening hair

The first recipe for hair straightness (natural oil for hair)
Ingredients of the recipe
100 m of olive oil
150 m of castir oil
50 of violet fat
40 m of Bitter almond oil
100 m of nigella oil
How to use the ingredients
We mixture these oils together and use an oil for the hair
The second recipe for hair straightness (natural shampoo for hair)
Ingredients of the recipe
10 big spoons of lumbar Rosary Herb
10 big spoons of cut parsley
6 spoons of cocoa-nut palm oil
6 spoons of liquid soap
3 spoons of Glycerin
How to use the ingredients
We put 10 big spoons of lumbar rosary herb in two big cups of water and boil it for half an hour, and then we put also the 10 big spoons of cut parsley in cup of water and boil it for 5 minutes, we drain it and leave to cool. We mixture these two ingredients together and add to them 6 spoons of cocoa-nut palm oil and 6 spoons of liquid soap and 3 spoons of Glycerin, and then we use as a shampoo for hair.

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