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Hair extension Natural homemade recipes for hair extension

الجمعة، 16 مايو 2014

Hair extension Natural homemade recipes for hair extension

homemade natural recipes for hair extension

We have 2 important homemade recipes for hair extension, these homemade recipes are very safe, very natural and so guaranteed, these are the recipes:
The first recipe for hair extension
Ingredients of the recipe
100 g of Psyllium or Plantago ovate or plantain
100 g of water-plantains
How to use
We boil these ingredients together after putting them in three cups of water for ten minutes and after it becomes cool or little warm we use the liquid we have as a hair shower.
The second recipe for hair extension
Ingredients of the recipe
100 m of the olive oil
50 g of SennaCassia  
50g of anise
50 g of linden
How to use
Mixture these ingredients together, put them in 4 big cups of water, we leave it to boil, we drain them and use its pure water after getting rid of the remained herbs resulting from boiling. We put on it a little spoon of nigella oil on it, then we use it as an oil or a shower for the hair.
Keywords for research
Hair extension
Natural homemade recipes for hair extension

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